Advocacy Work
Letter to MP Lloyd Longfield Re: GST/HST Holiday Tax Break
Dec 3, 2024
*This letter was the result of quick feedback and engagement from our members.*
December 3, 2024
Lloyd Longfield
Member of Parliament for Guelph, Ontario
House of Commons
Ottawa ON K1A 0A6
Via electronic mail:
Re: GST/HST Holiday Tax Break
Good afternoon Mr. Longfield,
On behalf of the Guelph Chamber of Commerce, I am writing to urge for improved communication and support for businesses navigating the December 14, 2024, to February 15, 2025, GST/HST tax break.
We recognize the need for the federal government to act and attempt to address affordability in Canada. Moving into this holiday season, when affordability is a major concern for most Canadians and Canadian businesses, the GST/HST tax break will help to improve consumer confidence and encourage increased customer traffic.
However, it’s important to acknowledge that the GST/HST tax break is going to be a large challenge for several of our businesses, especially small businesses. The list of exemptions, specifically the nuance in the conditions of some products, has caused confusion and a fear of wrongdoing for our business community. Further, the process to utilize these tax breaks, including the training and education for employees, and the dependency on POS providers to amend the system at a store level, requires a great deal of effort and capacity for our business community.
We encourage the federal government to develop additional supports and educational pieces to assist in the identification of what products are exempt, support with a seamless transition on POS systems, and continue to investigate long term relief solutions.
Shakiba Shayani
President and CEO, Guelph Chamber of Commerce