Advocacy Work
Chamber releases position on proof-of-immunization
Jul 16, 2021
This afternoon, the Ontario Chamber of Commerce released a letter to Prime Minister Trudeau, Minister Hajdu, Premier Ford, and Minister Elliot on the Ontario Chamber Network's position on proof-of-immunization.
Ontario Chamber Network Position:
- We support a centralized, Canada-wide approach to COVID-19 proof-of-immunization that could be easily used to confirm vaccination status for international and domestic use.
- Without inter-provincial harmonization, Canada risks a piecemeal approach, making life more difficult and unpredictable for individuals and employers during an already uncertain time.
- Implementing proof-of-immunization would both encourage more Canadians to get vaccinated and allow more businesses to safely reopen and remain open with the possibility of future outbreaks still uncertain.
- Public health restrictions, such as capacity limits, could then be modified accordingly based on the lower risk involved with close contact among fully vaccinated individuals.
- However, in absence of a national standard for proof-of-immunization, the Ontario government should review and assess the applicability of Manitoba's model in Ontario.
- Manitoba’s secure model uses COVID-19 proof-of-immunization cards or digital QR codes to confer additional benefits to card holders and accelerate reopening of facilities and major events that remain heavily restricted or have been closed since the beginning of the pandemic.
- For example, by requiring proof-of-immunization upon entry, large event venues and arena concerts could safely reopen over the summer and visitation capacity could be expanded at long-term care homes and hospitals. To protect individual privacy, the QR code and card only show the person’s name and vaccination status when scanned.
Click here to read the full letter.