News & Press Releases
Guelph Chamber Leads Provincial Debate on Net-Zero Homebuilding
For Immediate Release | May 4, 2018
At the recent Ontario Chamber of Commerce Policy Convention in Hamilton, the Guelph Chamber of Commerce received strong provincial support for its resolution that sought to further enable net-zero homebuilding. Ontario homebuilders are unable to leverage their innovative capacity and maximize their business and economic output by accessing the Green Ontario Fund to scale up the building of net-zero homes.
“The Chamber takes great pride in the leadership that businesses in Guelph have demonstrated in building net-zero homes,” says Kithio Mwanzia, President & CEO of the Guelph Chamber of Commerce. “With this provincial support the Guelph Chamber looks forward to seeing the leadership that local businesses have demonstrated become a reality across the province.”
Net-zero homes offer the potential to save money on energy costs year-round as well as protect home-owners from future energy price increases. Most importantly, they lower greenhouse gas emissions, conserve resources, reduce pollution, and minimize the household’s ecological footprint.
As part of the implementation of the Ontario government’s Climate Change Action Plan the Green Ontario Fund was created. Funded through proceeds from Ontario’s carbon market, the Green Ontario Fund is a not-for-profit provincial agency under the Ontario Ministry of Environment and Climate Change tasked with reducing greenhouse gas pollution in buildings and industry to help meet Ontario’s emission reduction targets.
“With over 76,000 new home starts in Ontario per year, it makes it increasingly timely that builders of net-zero homes receive the support needed to build these homes on a larger scale and in a cost-effective manner,” concludes Mwanzia.
With strong support for this policy resolution, this important business enablement and climate change mitigation issue will now become part of the Ontario Chamber of Commerce advocacy agenda.
For more information, contact Kithio Mwanzia, President & CEO, Guelph Chamber of Commerce.
E: | P: 519-822-8081 |